The Dual Seal Drain™ system comes with a variety of components to fit any size and shape basement. From corners to end caps, the drain will be perfectly sealed to keep water out of your home.

Water Seepage Can Enter Behind The Walls of A
Finished Basement In Many Different Ways

If monitors are placed on the Dual Seal Drain™ in a finished basement, then when a leak occurs you will be notified by sensors to the approximate location.

Depending on where your sensors are located you can then investigate the area where the sensor was triggered to find the issue. Without this system you could have water building up behind the wall and causing long term mold and mildew issues. It may be a science project behind the wall before the water problem breaks through and you become aware of an issue.

Your leak detectors will notify you if something is wrong. The sensors can be placed under every possible leak point and also in every corner. This is an industry first to allow contractors to finish a basement and still give the homeowner the possibility to know what’s happening behind their walls.

2 Different Installation Options For Dry or
Wet Basements Prior to Finishing

Easy Installation—
Sealing to Top of Floor

Dig A Small Channel—
For Wetter basements