Why wait for leaks to occur before installing the Dual Seal Drain™ system? When installed in a dry basement it will add an additional layer of protection prior to finishing. If any leaks occur later the Dual Seal Drain™ system will allow water to run to the sump pump pit.



  • Excellent install for monolithic foundation or Radiant heated floors
  • Before pre-finishing a dry or damp basement
  • Solves minor water issues and leaks
  • Glued to foundation and floor
  • Non-invasive install application
  • Installed behind framing
  • Installed with most or all pre-existing drainage system
  • Ideal for crawl space installation

The Dual Seal Drain™ system can be installed with most or all pre-existing drain. It is designed to prevent the intrusion of radon gas or other vapors.




  • Able to prevent mold growth from water leaks
  • Monitor and notify customer if there is an issue
  • Perfect for window leaks, cracks in foundation, or pipe penetration leaks
  • Informs customer if a full french drain is needed with alerts
  • DIY Easy installation for any customer

We never recommend
installation of the Dual Seal Drain™ system sitting directly on top of the Footer.

Cement this drain in with the system for
better protection from wall leaks.

The ultimate protection full drainage system
Thermashield® plus Dual Seal Drain™